Comprehensive Coaching,
Development, and Search Services

With CESA 6’s innovative leadership solutions, you’ll benefit from expert coaching, customized development programs, and thorough superintendent search services to enhance educational outcomes and foster continuous improvement.

Two co workers standing side by side in conference room facing forward and smiling.

Keynote & Coaching by Ted Neitzke

Unlock the potential of your leadership with Ted Neitzke’s keynotes and coaching sessions, offering comprehensive insights into educational improvement, value alignment, and effective leadership strategies.

Inspire Growth and Leadership with Ted’s Keynote Speeches

With Ted’s keynote speeches, he'll inspire educators to lead with confidence, aligning values and implementing principles of improvement for lasting success.

Leadership Development Programs

You’ll drive meaningful improvements with our comprehensive leadership development programs, tailored to address the specific needs of students, educators, and systems.

Foster Continuous Improvement in Your System

You’ll lead with confidence after completing Ted’s continuous improvement training, equipping your team with the tools and expertise to foster a culture of ongoing innovation and excellence.

Transform Students into Collaborative Leaders

Equip future leaders through our academy, offering tailored training that equips students with skills to support their teams and build a collaborative school culture.

Achieve Lasting Educational Excellence

You’ll enhance educational outcomes with our Principles of Improvement training, providing your team with the expertise to implement effective, lasting changes.

Implement Lasting Changes Through Team Training

Equip your staff with our high-performing teams’ training, ensuring that they have the expertise to implement effective, lasting changes and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Executive Coaching

Achieve leadership excellence with customized professional development sessions, offering individual and team executive coaching to address common issues, foster continuous growth, and drive measurable improvements through personalized and collaborative solutions.

Foster Development Through Expert Coaching

Drive personal and professional growth with our tailored coaching sessions, focusing on reflection, self-awareness, and addressing specific issues for effective leadership development.

Achieve Excellence Together

Foster a culture of collaboration with coaching sessions, addressing team challenges and promoting continuous improvement through shared learning and development.

Superintendent Search Services

You’ll find the perfect superintendent with our expert search services, ensuring a thorough process to identify and recruit top leaders for your school district.

Uncover the Best Superintendent for Your Needs

Ensure your district’s success by finding the perfect superintendent through our expert search services, dedicated to recruiting innovative leaders who drive meaningful improvements.

Your Journey to Effective Leadership Starts Here

  • Understand the Challenge

    Begin with a complimentary virtual consultation, where our experts identify your unique leadership challenges and development goals.

  • Choose the Path

    After assessing your needs, CESA 6 presents tailored leadership development programs that align with your organizational objectives.

  • Implement the Solution

    Our ongoing support and adaptive feedback ensure your leadership strategies remain effective and aligned with your goals for sustained improvement.