Blog | CESA 6

Leading Literacy for Impact Across All Levels

Written by Dianna Kresovic | Apr 10, 2024 7:46:00 PM

What are the possibilities for schools to ensure that all students not only learn to read, but also, develop a love for reading and excel in it? The Wisconsin Act 20 Law sheds light on new opportunities in literacy instruction. In these times, it's inspiring to see district leaders embracing impactful decisions that can positively shape the learning experiences for all students. Leadership in schools plays a significant role in fostering an environment where literacy is a schoolwide focus. The commitment and support of school leaders are instrumental in enhancing instructional quality and elevating student achievement. In this post, we aim to explore the vital role of leadership in adhering to Act 20, offer a supportive framework for literacy leadership, and introduce how CESA 6’s Leading Literacy for Impact Leadership Academy can be a supportive resource for district teams to not only meet but exceed the leadership expectations set forth by the law, with a special emphasis on comprehensive 4K-12 literacy leadership.

What Happened

In July 2023, Governor Evers signed a bill that focuses on improving literacy outcomes for Wisconsin's students. This bill introduces comprehensive enhancements to literacy instruction, including the establishment of a Council on Early Literacy Curricula, a statewide coaching program, and a literacy screener for 4K-third-grade students, coupled with essential teacher and leader training. Now known as the Wisconsin Act 20 Law, it underscores the importance of “science-aligned instruction” or “the science of reading,” a method backed by extensive research. This approach resonates with the National Reading Panel (2000) Report, which underscores key elements of effective reading instruction programs:

  • Phonemic Awareness
  • Phonics
  • Fluency
  • Vocabulary
  • Comprehension

These pillars of reading instruction are fundamental, not only in terms of content knowledge but also in their practical application in the classroom. The report also emphasizes the transformative power of teacher training in fostering both effective teaching methods and notable student improvements.

Recent data, as reported by Wisconsin Watch in April 2023, indicate that a significant number of Wisconsin students are not reaching reading proficiency levels. This situation presents a valuable opportunity for school leaders to positively influence literacy achievement.

What’s Happening Now

Lately, district and school leaders have been actively engaging in and preparing for the full implementation of Act 20. This journey is more than just about meeting legal requirements; it's about embracing a commitment to enhance literacy instruction and elevate literacy standards for all students. This involves taking thoughtful initiatives, meticulous planning, fostering a culture of learning, setting clear goals, and consistently monitoring progress.

What This Means For You

Leadership is a cornerstone in fulfilling the responsibilities within Act 20. Leaders are instrumental in paving the way for meaningful improvements! This path includes several key steps: enhancing collective understanding of reading instruction, clarifying the present and desired state of literacy practices, identifying necessary changes, facilitating ongoing learning for teachers and leaders, and regularly evaluating and refining these efforts for greater impact.

Leaders should also be mindful of potential pitfalls, such as inconsistencies in literacy practices across different grades or buildings, overreliance on curriculum choices to resolve all challenges, the introduction of too many conflicting initiatives, limited professional development opportunities, and insufficient monitoring systems for classroom practices and student outcomes.

Your Opportunity

Now is an exciting time to begin this leadership journey! Think expansively, beyond the 4K through third-grade focus of Act 20. Consider the broader vision of a 4K-12 transformation! Strengthening literacy in early elementary grades naturally leads us to consider what evolving needs these students will have as they progress. The Leading Literacy for Impact Leadership Academy at CESA 6 offers a rich opportunity to deepen your skills in leading district-wide literacy initiatives across all grade levels. Our students surely deserve this commitment to their literacy growth.

Leaders in the Leading Literacy for Impact Academy will cultivate a deeper understanding of high-impact, science-aligned literacy instruction and leadership strategies. They will explore effective instructional routines that boost reading engagement and achievement and expand their ability to strategically implement and monitor a comprehensive literacy improvement plan.

Here's what some district leaders have shared about their experience with Leading Literacy for Impact:

“The tools provided have been incredibly useful. The classroom videos and effective practices are much appreciated.”

“There's a wealth of research-based practices available for immediate use. The reflection and collaborative reflection time have been beneficial.”

“I’m grateful for all the insightful tips, tools, and the thoughtful focus on leading change.”

“The information shared has been enriching. It’s prompted me to ask important questions and reevaluate our practices.”

Embrace the Journey

The leadership journey in literacy is dynamic and evolving, but the end goal remains steadfast: improving literacy outcomes for all students. As leaders, we recognize that our work is never truly 'finished'; rather, we continually adapt to meet the evolving needs of our students. Our actions are always centered on what’s best for our students. The role of the school leader in this journey is crucial - think of it as a marathon where the leader carries and passes the baton, exemplifying endurance and strategic thinking. Leadership is essential in shaping school plans to enhance literacy outcomes moving forward.

Free Download

Begin with the first step in the strategic planning process: expanding your collective knowledge in reading instruction. Use our free tool to evaluate your current literacy knowledge, set goals, and plan actionable steps. Then, with your leadership team, discuss this collective knowledge and plan your next steps in leading literacy initiatives. Fill out the form below and download the free tool: Literacy Knowledge Across the Strands of Literacy Leadership: Leadership Self-reflection & Goal-setting

If you’re interested in learning more about the Leading Literacy for Impact Leadership Academy 4K-12 and enhancing literacy instruction and student achievement at all levels, click here. For further guidance and leadership in literacy, consider the CESA 6 Literacy Solution Guide for 2024-2025.