Join Forces, Collaborate, and Engage with Peers.

CESA 6 professional networks provide opportunities for leaders, specialists, and teachers to engage with peers regarding topics of interest within their discipline.

Eight people sitting around desk smiling working together laptop paper pen.

CESA 6 Member Networks 

The Networks allow CESA 6 member districts to delve into topics of mutual interest within specific disciplines.

Register for Networks

Administrative Assistants

The Administrative Assistants Network meets every other month during the school year to provide you a forum for collaboration and sharing of best practices among school district administrative assistants.

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Alternative Placement

Through this network, you will identify and implement effective interventions and academic/behavior supports so that students can develop the necessary skills to successfully transition back to their home schools.

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Elementary Principals

Led by CESA 6 CEO Ted Neitzke, the Elementary Principals Network is a monthly opportunity for Principals to collaborate, get updates, develop professionally, and stay up-to-date on current issues facing schools.

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Food Service

The Food Service Network is a free opportunity for Food Service Professionals to come together to share, learn, and grow. The network allows for collaborative time together to support relevant topics impacting the industry, a place to share ideas and best practices, relationship building with peers and personal growth.

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Fresh Faces in Social Studies

This virtual support group is specifically designed for social studies educators in their first three years of teaching. It provides a collaborative space to connect with peers, share experiences, and gain valuable insights from seasoned educators.

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Human Resources

The mission of the HR Network is to network and support those district individuals who are supporting the HR roles and functions through our CESA 6 region by providing timely and relevant information on a monthly basis.

  • Learn about best practices in Human Resources and Payroll.
  • Members of this network will have the opportunity to explore and discuss current topics and also be able to network and share with leaders from throughout the region.

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Middle/High School Principals

Led by CESA 6 CEO Ted Neitzke, the Secondary Principals Network is a monthly opportunity for Principals to collaborate, get updates, develop professionally, and stay up-to-date on current issues facing schools.

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Professional Advisory Council (PAC)

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Public Relations

The School PR Network meets four times during the school year to provide collaboration and learning around topics including communication, marketing, branding and engagement. We will discuss hot topics and share best practices, resources and solutions.

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Regional Special Education Network 

The Wisconsin Regional Special Education Network (RSN) was established in 1984 and acts as a liaison providing linked communication between the Department of Public Instruction and local education agencies (LEAs). The purpose of the RSN is to support Wisconsin LEAs in advancing the academic achievement and social and emotional competencies of students with disabilities by:

  • Providing coordinated technical assistance that promotes continuous systems improvement
  • Fostering collaboration
  • Developing educational leadership capacity

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Special Education Leadership Support

The Special Education Leadership Support Collaborative Series is an opportunity for program support teachers, district leaders, or administrators to work collectively to learn best practices in Evaluation and IEP writing, Department of Public Instruction compliance for the review of IEPs, LEA roles and responsibilities, and strategies to support district Special Education teachers and paraprofessionals. This series will meet 6 times during the year  to share ideas and strategies in order to create safe and creative classrooms.

Participants will be actively involved in discussion, exchanging ideas, sharing best practices and resources with one another and selecting future meeting topics based on their needs.

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Special Education Teacher Network

The Special Education Teacher Network will meet every month to provide opportunities for networking around topics of interest related to special education programs, policies, procedures and processes. This interactive network is designed for teachers to collaboration and discuss topics such as: scheduling, IEP writing, self care, FBA/BIP writing, service delivery, materials and resources, working with families, classroom and behavior management, DPI updates and other professional development topics.

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Man and woman sitting at desk facing each other working, writing, and holding tablet.

Enhancing Professional Growth and Knowledge Sharing

By fostering a supportive environment for dialogue and exchange, CESA 6 empowers professionals to share insights, explore innovative practices, and collectively address challenges facing their fields.

Success Stories

Loved the school/district level time to collaborate and think of things that fit in our system.
CESA 6 Participant

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