Stair Climbing

The ability to safely walk up/down stairs within the school environment as well as navigate playground equipment stairs is important for student development and independence.


How Does it Impact School Function

  • It allows students to get from one floor to another safely while maintaining an efficient pace and being able to carry school supplies as needed. 
  • It assists the student in being able to navigate the playground equipment safely
  • Navigating different terrains, curbs, inclines
  • Embarking/Disembarking the bus

Important terms

  • Marking time/Step to: Placing both feet on each step 
  • Reciprocal pattern/foot over foot: Placing one foot on each step using a step over step pattern

Progression of stair climbing

  • Using one hand on the rail and one hand held by adult, marking time walking up and down the stairs
  • Using one hand on the rail, marking time walking up and down the stairs
  • Using one hand on the rail, using a reciprocal pattern walking up and down the stairs
  • Using a reciprocal pattern walking up and down the stairs without using the rail
  • Using a reciprocal pattern walking up and down the stairs carrying school supplies with or without the rail

Adult Placement When Assisting Student on Stairs

  • When student is walking up the stairs, the adult should be walking behind them
  • When student is walking down the stairs, the adult should be walking in front of them (adult will be walking down the stairs backward) 
    • ** Walking speed should increase as the student masters the skill so they are able to keep up with their peers

Proper Sequence For Stepping Up/Down From a Single Step

Stepping up

  • Student should be able to maintain balance while stepping up on step
  • Student needs to lean forward and put weight through leg on step
  • Student should be able to push self up/step up using leg only and maintain balance after doing so

Stepping down

  • Student should be able to step down with one foot with good control, maintaining balance while stepping down with the other leg