Enhance Classroom Supervision

Classroom management is a skill every educator needs to learn. Our Classroom Management Collaborative Series educates teachers on directing students, minimizing disruptions, and gaining confidence in their ability to lead a classroom with evidence-based communication techniques and strategies. 

Teacher sitting in front of classroom students at desks listening and raising hands.

Classroom Management 

Knowing how to communicate learning material is only half the battle. Lean on our experts to help you understand new strategies from peers, experienced professionals, and the latest data on managing your classroom. 

Everyone Benefits 

Classroom management is a skill that needs its own time and dedication. Learning from our experienced educators can help you by sharing essential knowledge while connecting you with fellow teaching professionals to share your experiences in the classroom to determine specific needs and develop a plan to improve your teaching skills. 

Destress Your Classroom 

Managing students of all stages and backgrounds can be a challenge. Create a low-stress environment in your classroom with the latest tools and strategies.

  • Boost your leadership confidence
  • Learn and practice new skills and strategies
  • Connect with peers and build a professional network
  • Learn about the latest management skills for a personalized learning experience

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What to Expect

This virtual, multi-stage learning experience allows teachers to learn on their schedule, giving more educators the time to collaborate as peers and learn from each other’s experiences. Connecting with other teachers on classroom management is only one of the benefits to this program. Read below to learn more. 

Register to Learn

During these sessions, teachers will connect with seasoned educators who understand their student management struggles and guide them to become more confident teachers. Participants will gain insights about navigating the classroom and utilizing skills to meet student management challenges.

  • Six 2-hour virtual sessions
  • Individual sessions cost $80 each, or $210 for all six sessions

Discover Opportunities

Success Stories

I liked learning about all the different ways that people think and perceive things. I think that this really helped me to reflect on how I work with other staff on my team and how we can understand the thought process they may be going through....

Participant 2024
I felt like I got more tools that were very different from ones that were already in my toolbox.
Participant 2024

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Tailored Classroom Management Solutions for Measurable Success

  • Understand the Challenge

    Take the next step in your professional development journey and learn how you can better manage your classroom to create a positive learning environment. 

  • Choose the Path

    Following a thorough assessment of your needs, our team can help you find the solutions that will best support your development as an educator. 

  • Implement the Solution

    We are a resource for your questions about the education field and new techniques and strategies. Find support for your professional development plan here.