High-Leverage Instructional Routine Toolkit


CESA 6 has created a product as a one-stop shop for structured literacy! Our High-Leverage Instructional Routines Toolkit aligns with and supports both the Word Recognition and the Language Comprehension components of the Reading Rope for Skilled Reading. These routines are game-changers when it comes to supporting both whole-class instruction and targeted interventions.


As part of the toolkit, you will receive dozens of high-leverage routines! Each routine follows an explicit, predictable format so that students can experience direct instruction, teacher modeling, engaging in the practice, and receiving feedback.

You will also receive CESA 6’s Assessment Decision-Making Guide to help you prioritize skills for intervention and align targeted instruction with the high-leverage routines that work best. Lesson planning tools and resources will aid you in the careful and intentional planning needed for targeted instruction.

  • Introduces innovative and evidence-based teaching strategies for literacy.
  • Delivers a range of professional learning sessions that foster continuous development.
  • Aids in the design and execution of engaging and standards-aligned literacy curricula.

Who might benefit from participating?

  • K-6 classroom teachers

  • Interventionists

  • SE teachers

  • Principals

  • C&I Directors