Learning Walks: Transfer Your Leadership Learning into Action (Pathway 2)

CESA 6 Districts: $11,200 / Non-CESA 6 Districts: $12,000

Participants who have completed the CESA 6 Early Literacy Leadership Institute will apply their learning on change practices, high-leverage literacy routines, and effective communication strategies to plan and implement strategic next steps.

They will focus on collecting instructional data aligned with literacy learning and district practice changes, while identifying key indicators of progress. This process will include establishing accountability loops to ensure sustained improvement and a clear path forward for continuous growth in literacy outcomes.


This service includes collaborative implementation planning, codesigning of look for indicators, and guided learning walks for the benefit of using instructional data to inform continued teacher learning and leadership actions supporting literacy improvement for all students.

  • Delivers a range of professional learning sessions that foster continuous development.
  • Develops educational leaders through targeted training and strategic planning sessions.
  • Empowers schools with data-driven strategies to refine literacy programs.
  • Provides assistance to develop and implement long-term literacy goals.


  • A clear process for strategically launching, or extending, the Learning Walk process into literacy classrooms, including a communication plan.
  • Look for documents that align to impactful literacy practices, and are customized to match district goals, practice changes, curriculum, etc.
  • Understanding of instructional data collection process, analysis, and impact.
  • Guided Learning Walks, with a CESA 6 consultant, to practice and improve the process.
  • Strategic planning, including monitoring strategies, for next steps in the area of phonics, to improve instruction and student outcomes.

Who might benefit from participating?

  • Principals
  • Coaches
  • Superintendents
  • Curriculum Directors
  • Special Education Directors
  • Teacher Leaders


8 days of training (4 in district)