Learning Walks: Improving Phonics Instruction (Pathway 5)
CESA 6 Districts: $8,400 / Non-CESA 6 Districts: $9,000
You can’t fix a universal problem with intensive intervention alone. This service emphasizes the importance of strengthening universal instruction alongside targeted interventions. By leveraging Act 20 screener data, we support leaders in analyzing the effectiveness of phonics instruction across all classrooms. Through the use of phonics "look-for" indicators, leaders will conduct guided learning walks to gather instructional data, identify patterns, and assess the quality of current practices.
This data will then be analyzed to create focused professional learning opportunities that directly enhance phonics instruction. As a result, over time, educators will improve their teaching practices, and screening data will show measurable progress in students' phonics skills and overall literacy development. This comprehensive approach ensures a balanced focus on prevention and intervention to support all learners.
This service includes guided learning walks with leaders (and their teacher teams, if applicable) for the benefit of understanding what to look for in a phonics lesson including current state of classroom environments and phonics/phonological awareness instruction, then using instructional data to inform PLC conversations based on themes, and monitoring practice changes over time through a well-developed implementation plan.
- Delivers a range of professional learning sessions that foster continuous development.
- Builds teacher capacities with professional development in literacy practices.
- Promotes sustained improvement in literacy through expert-led programs and support systems.
- Introduces innovative and evidence-based teaching strategies for literacy.
- A clear process for strategically beginning/using Learning Walks in classrooms specific to phonics instruction
- Analysis of phonics screening data, as well as other district data, to determine potential problems for inquiry through the Learning Walk process.
- Look for documents that align to impactful phonics practices, and are customized to match district goals, practice changes, and/or curriculum.
- Understanding of instructional data collection process, analysis, and impact
- Guided Learning Walks, with a CESA 6 consultant, to practice and improve the process.
- Strategic planning, including monitoring strategies, for next steps in the area of phonics, to improve instruction and student outcomes.