ACCESS Assessment Implementation & Data Review
$465/1 or 2 individuals | $850/team of three or more
ACCESS Assessment Implementation & Data Review provides comprehensive training and support for school districts to ensure accurate and effective administration of the ACCESS for English Learners tests.

- Proctor Training: Equip your staff with the skills to confidently and correctly administer the ACCESS tests, ensuring test integrity and reliability.
- Data Verification: Learn best practices for verifying and managing test data to maintain accuracy and compliance with state and federal requirements.
- Data Utilization: Empower your team to interpret and use test results to drive program planning and instructional strategies, enhancing educational outcomes for English learners.
Who might benefit from participating?
District English Learner or Multilingual Learner coordinators
Curriculum & Instruction Directors
ACCESS Test Proctors
- Compliance and Accountability: ACCESS test results are crucial for state and federal accountability. Proper administration and data handling ensure compliance with regulations.
- Targeted Support for Students: Accurate data allows for better planning and delivery of support services, directly benefiting English learners by addressing their specific needs.
- Professional Development: Continuous training and support for district staff enhance their skills and confidence in managing the ACCESS testing process.
- Efficiency and Consistency: Streamlined processes for test administration and data analysis save time and resources, promoting consistency across the district.