Balanced Classroom Rosters

$150 Per Participant

Develop class rosters through a systematic, inclusive approach that involves key stakeholders for educator and student satisfaction.

teacher talking to students in back of classroom one student raising their hand


The Balanced Classroom Rosters solution offers educators a full day of support, collaborative planning among your staff, and systematic planning to create optimal class compositions.

  • Provides in-depth training programs to equip participants with essential skills and knowledge.
  • Promotes inclusive education practices to meet the needs of all students.
  • Enhances the use of data for strategic planning and improvement.
  • Uses data to identify and implement targeted interventions for students.


Expert-Led Roster Development

Participants will collaborate with a CESA 6 consultant whose roster strategies have significantly boosted student achievement.

Strategic Student Placement

Utilize proven processes that ensure optimal placement of incoming students.

Enhanced Support for Gifted and Talented Programs

Provide your Gifted and Talented students with opportunities to deliver targeted support and professional development to classroom teachers, enhancing educational delivery and student engagement.

Who might benefit from participating?

  • Principals
  • Building Leadership Teams
  • Curriculum & Instruction Administrators
  • Special Education/Pupil Service Administrators


Full Day of Support

Ensures seamless implementation with continuous guidance.

Inclusive Stakeholder Involvement

Brings diverse insights, improving roster suitability for all student needs.

Collaborative Planning

Utilizes leadership expertise for optimal class compositions.

Research-Based Talking Points

Facilitates staff buy-in through evidence-backed communication.

Rubrics Development

Guarantees fair and consistent student placement

Spreadsheet Development

Streamlines roster management for efficiency

Actionable Deployment Plans

Offers clear, effective implementation steps for quick execution.