Special Education Leadership Consultation
Coaching - $1,355/day
Our CESA 6 experts will provide Special Education Leadership and Director Consultation to district staff with professional expertise, coaching, mentoring and technical assistance for the IEP process and other Special Education or Pupil Service related issues in order to ensure compliance of state and district special education processes and procedures.

With CESA 6’s tailored consulting services, special education directors receive personalized support that addresses the unique challenges of managing IEPs and complying with both state and federal regulations.
- Enhances leadership skills and strategic planning to manage educational programs.
- Equips staff with skills and knowledge for professional growth.
- Streamlines processes to save time and resources while maintaining high service standards.
- Provides on-demand expertise to handle questions and improve service delivery.
- Catered professional consultation, coaching and mentoring around the IEP process and Special Education or Pupil Service related issues that meets your district’s needs
- Technical support for DPI Reporting, Open Enrollment, Procedural Compliance Self Assessment, Federal Identification Areas, etc.
- Development of resources to guide implementation and communication to stakeholders
Who might benefit from participating?
Directors of Special Education
Directors of Pupil Services
- Identify and review student records for IEP compliance
- Provide consultation and support on:
- Paperwork Compliance
- DPI Reporting consultation and support
- Open Enrollment consultation and support
- LEA for complex IEP meetings
- Parent Issues/Concerns consultation and support
- Procedural Compliance Self Assessment Consultation and Support
- Manifestation Determination LEA, consultation, and support
- Or other Leadership services as deemed appropriate by LLC consultant and Director of Pupil Services
- Facilitate and act as an LEA for complex IEP meetings, manifestation determinations, parent issues or concerns, etc.