Environmental Education Statutory Stipulation Module
Applicants must complete preparation that demonstrates their knowledge and understanding of:
- The wide variety of natural resources and methods; the interactions between the living and non-living elements of the natural environment; the concept of energy and its various transformations in physical and biological systems; how citizens can actively participate in the resolution of environmental problems; the local, national, and global interactions among people and the natural and built environments.
- Effective education methods to examine attitudes and values inherent in environmental issues and the ability to incorporate the study of environmental issues in whatever subjects or grade level programs the teacher is licensed to teach through the use of multiple methodologies.

This learning module provides education professionals with knowledge and skills to access and engage students in environmental education.
- Applicable, engaging content
- On-demand modules for schedule flexibility
- Pre-approved by the WI Department of Public Instruction
Remove license stipulations by successfully completing a WI DPI-required training for Environmental Education
Who might benefit from participating?
This stipulation applies to teacher licenses in early childhood regular education, elementary and middle school regular education, science, and social studies.
Upon completing the module, you will receive a certificate of completion, which must be submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction through the Educator Licensing Online (ELO) portal.