AI Essentials: A Beginner's Guide

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AI Essentials gives educators a flexible training opportunity to enhance problem-solving and give a competitive edge to teaching professionals in the modern classroom.

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The AI Essentials training offers a series of AI tools that impact your district at every level, from system-wide considerations to student-level solutions.

  • Provides in-depth training programs to equip participants with essential skills and knowledge.
  • Offers flexible learning options, including self-paced and in-person training.
  • Introduces innovative approaches to solving educational challenges.
  • Provides ongoing professional development opportunities for educators and staff.


Cutting-Edge Knowledge

Stay ahead of the curve with in-depth understanding of AI technologies, trends, and applications.

Enhanced Problem-Solving

Equip yourself with the skills to leverage AI for creative solutions to the complex challenges of your classroom.

Competitive Advantage

Prepare your system/building for the future by fostering an environment that is innovative and creates dynamic, personalized learning experiences through the integration of AI.

Who might benefit from participating?

  • Administration
  • District Technology Leaders


System Level

  • AI Integration in Education Policy - Discussing policies for AI Implementation, ethical considerations, and data privacy.
  • Ethical Considerations While Using AI - System Policies - District Innovation Team - Monitors AI usage and sets guidelines for next steps.
  • Professional Development and Training Programs - Developing ongoing training programs for educators and administrators: District AI Innovation Team

Building Level

  • School Leadership and AI Implementation - Roles of school leaders in driving AI adoption and managing change.
  • Ai in Curriculum Design - Integrating AI concerts into various subjects, developing AI literacy among students
  • Ethical and Responsible AI Use - Ensuring ethical use of AI, addressing bias, promoting fairness, and educating staff and students on the ethical implications of AI. Providing guidelines and resources.

Classroom Level

  • AI-Powered Education Tools - ChatGPT | MagicSchool AI | Perplexity | Gemini | Additional Sources
  • AI-Powered Education Tools - ISTE Projects: Each Level

Student Level

  • AI in Classroom Learning Tools - Tools built for Students: Magic Student AI and other resources
  • AI for Special Education and Inclusion - Leveraging AI to support students with special needs, including adaptive learning technologies, personalized learning plans. Best practices and case studies.