EMLSS (Equitable Multi-Level System of Supports) Framework

$400 per team of 8

The EMLSS Project is designed to guide effective data analysis as district/school/classroom decisions are being made; examine how systems can cohesively work together to enhance students’ academic achievement, positive behaviors, and social-emotional well being; and explore how to apply equitable concepts to existing universal systems. The EMLSS coach/consultant will provide coaching, professional development, technical assistance, data analysis, etc., to support you in creating a more inclusive educational environment/system that serves all students.
coworkers standing next to each other writing on a board


When you partner with CESA 6, your school with receive a catalyst for student-centered, continuous improvement analysis and action plans to better support their students.

  • Contributes to improved academic performance and personal development.
  • Strengthens the connection between schools and families to foster a supportive learning environment.


  • To create an equitable educational environment where all students can succeed– not just a select few
  • Shared leadership in the continuous improvement
  • Support Joint Federal Identified districts/schools through IDEA and ESSA identifications

Who might benefit from participating?

Districts administrators & leaders

School-based administrators & leaders

Instructional coaches



School psychologists

Social workers

CESA & DPI directors/consultants


• Prior to the EMLSS Framework training, an optional no-cost professional development outlining the EMLSS Framework and how your district/school data analysis will enhance your continuous improvement process
• EMLSS Framework serves as a catalyst to examine educational systems and structures alongside continuous improvement analysis
• EMLSS coach/consultant will provide coaching, professional development, technical assistance, data analysis etc., that will support you in creating a more inclusive educational environment/system that serves all students
• In partnership with the EMLSS Project, the EMLSSS Coach/CESA 6 Consultant will support the continuous improvement process at no additional costs