Family Engagement Support in Title Funding
Starting at $170 per hour
Through Title I, II-A, and IV-A, the U.S. Department of Education provides funding for districts and schools with various needs related to family engagement. Engaging with parents, families, and communities is one important way schools can narrow gaps in opportunity or achievement and help all children learn and succeed. CESA 6 provides many levels of support to increase the school’s family engagement practices.

You can maximize the impact of your Title Funding to enhance your family engagement practices, influence student outcomes, and strengthen your community.
- Empowers leaders with data insights to make informed educational decisions.
- Encourages a sense of community through shared goals and collaborative efforts.
- Provides on-demand expertise to handle questions and improve service delivery.
- Introduce evidence-based and best practices for family engagement into your Title work
- Consultation on how to engage families in the success of students
- Take the guesswork out of how to partner with families within your Title work
Who might benefit from participating?
- District Title Coordinators
- District Administrators
CESA 6 provides many levels of support to increase the school’s family engagement practices. Whether Title 1, Title II, or Title IV, we can help support your family engagement practices.
Title I
- Helping you engage families in the development of your Title 1 plan.
- Build your school and staff capacity to engage parents and families.
- Build family capacity to support student learning.
Title II
- Professional development for staff on building equitable family engagement.
- Professional development for staff on building support for learning at home through positive family partnerships.
- Coaching for staff specifically centered on partnership and engagement with families.
Title III
- Consultation for school staff and/or teams specifically centered on creating partnerships and engagement with families to increase opportunities and participation for all students to participate in advanced courses and enrichment, improve school conditions for student learning, and improve the use of technology.